Animals and Their Homes: A Fun Learning Guide for Kids

Where do you go after finishing school? Do you live in a home with your family? Have you wondered where animals live? Do they also have homes? You will find answers to these questions in this blog, which covers different animal homes along with some fun facts.

Introduction to Animal Homes

Like human beings, animals also have a shelter or area called an animal home. Few animals have large homes that fulfil their basic needs, like food and water. Others live in a small space and have to travel to other places to obtain them. Different animals live in diverse habitats like trees, deserts, oceans, grasslands, etc. Some animals construct their own homes, while others live on trees. 

Why do Animals Need Home?

Animal homes serve a multipurpose, namely:

Types of Animal Homes

Animals and Their Unique Homes

Here is a list of animals with their unique homes:

AnimalName of home
Beaver Lodge 
Ant Anthill 
Spider Web 
Squirrel Drey 
Crab Shell 
Horse Stable 
Pig Sty 
Cow Shed or barn
Rat Hole 
Honeybee Beehive 
Dog Kennel 
Hen Coop 
Sheep Pen 
Cat Lair 
Eagle Eyrie 
Hamster Cage 
Hawk Hawkery 

Also read: How to expand your child’s vocabulary? 

Fun Facts About Animal Homes

Animals are fascinating. Here are some surprising fun facts about animal homes:


The homes of animals are unique in their own ways. They survive in a broad range of habitats and create unique homes for everyday needs. Usually kids get attached to animals and any information about them builds curiosity in them. Similarly, teaching kids about animal homes will help them know different environments and realise the amazing diversity in nature. Children at New Horizon Gurukul Pre School are taught fundamentals in a fun and engaging way. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do Animals Build or Live in Specific Homes?
Animals build specific homes to store food, raise young ones, and hide from adverse weather conditions and predators.

What are the Different Types of Animal Homes?
Den, cave, hive, burrow, nest, barn, pond, sea, tree, and web are a few examples of animal homes.

How do Animals like Birds and Squirrels Build their Nests?
Squirrels and birds collect leaves, grass, twigs and barks to make their nests. They lay eggs, store food and raise young ones in the nest.

What are some Unique Homes Created by Small Creatures like Insects?
Termite mounds, spider webs, ant colonies, bee hives, silk cocoons, gall homes, and barkbeetle tunnels are some unique homes created by small creatures.

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