7 Parenting Tips Every Parent Should Know

Children at a very young age spend most of their time in school and at home. They are strongly bonded to parents more than anyone else. They get influenced by the actions, behavior and words of the parents to a maximum extent. In such a scenario, the role of parents is a key in developing a child in a certain way. In this blog, 7 best parenting tips are discussed that will help in raising strong, independent and well-rounded children. 

  1. Boost your child’s self-esteem.

For children, self-esteem plays an important role in developing confidence, performing without stage fear, and also doing better in exams. Parents can instill self-esteem by praising them on their good performance, asserting positive affirmations, encouraging them to develop a positive attitude, teaching them to be independent and highlighting their strengths. This boosts the confidence of the children. Make sure that you do not compare your child with anyone else and even while scolding, maintain a low tone using positive body language.

  1. Catch kids being good.

Have you ever noticed that when you appreciate your child for doing something good, there are high chances of them repeating the actions? Yes, when their right behavior is acknowledged and complimented, it motivates them further to do good things, eventually forming a habit. Try to express how the good manners of your kid made you feel proud to validate their behavior. Small statements such as “Wow! I am so proud of you for keeping your room clean.” “I like how you finish your homework on time regularly.” can work wonders in creating a positive impact on children.

  1. Set limits and be consistent with your discipline.

As discussed above, children absorb a lot from their surroundings and try to replicate it. They lack judgment about what is right and wrong for them. It is the duty of the parents to set clear boundaries and let children know what they are expected to do. If the act of setting limits is clearly taught to children, they develop evaluation skills and follow the rules. In case the regulations are breached, talk to them calmly and warn them not to repeat it. But be consistent with this approach to help develop self-control in children.

  1. Make time for your kids.

Parents often fail to spend quality time with their children due to the packed schedules. In such cases, children feel unheard and ignored. They may hesitate to share what they are going through. So make sure you take out as much time as possible to play, hear, mentor and understand them. Planning a weekend with them, taking regular breaks to be at home, having meals together, finishing work and returning home early, going for movies and asking simple questions like “How was your day?” “What was taught in school today?” and “How are you feeling today?” will help them to open up more and feel relaxed.

  1. Be a good role model.

Children grow up looking at parents. They inculcate a lot of habits and behaviors from parents. Therefore, parents have to set examples by displaying model behavior. Demonstrate positive actions, like respecting elders, expressing gratitude, helping the needy, showing kindness, sleeping on time, following a proper timetable, eating healthy, and exercising. Leading by example reinforces good qualities and children try to duplicate the actions of their parents.

  1. Make communication a priority.

Communication is key for any relationship to flourish. If parents do not communicate with children on a regular basis, children may bottle up emotions and feel isolated. So ensure you are updated with everything that’s happening in your child’s life, show concern about what’s bothering them, be transparent and have open discussions to build trust and understanding bonds with children. Create a safe space by assuring them that you are open to having any kind of conversation with them without judgment. 

  1. Be flexible and willing to adjust your parenting style.

Most parents mirror the parenting style of their parents. It might not work at times due to an evolving environment and generational gaps. Parents have to be flexible and willing to adapt to the changing times. You also have to adjust your parenting style as your child grows. The same approach cannot be used for a two-year-old child and an 18-year-old teen. But your support, guidance and love will keep them going forward.

Other tips for preschoolers

Preschoolers actually demand and need way more attention. Plan a proper routine that includes academics, sports and other co-curricular activities. Encourage them to build a hobby. Impart interpersonal skills such as communication, empathy, positive mindset, active listening and performing small tasks on their own. Praise their accomplishments and reinforce confidence and love frequently. 


Raising a child is quite challenging. Preschoolers need extra care and attention. It takes a lot of effort and time from parents. But if parents are adept at the tips and can follow the abovementioned approaches to nurturing a child, then parenting can become a cakewalk. The tips work like magic and are efficient. As parents, make sure that you are consistent with the approach to make the parenting journey memorable and rewarding.

Thank you for reading our blog! We hope you found the information helpful and engaging. Don’t forget to explore our latest blog Types of Parenting Styles for more insights. As one of the Best Kindergarten schools in Bangalore, we offer a variety of programs designed to enrich your child’s learning experience. You can explore our website to find all the details about our school and the various programs we offer. Happy reading!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 How can I build my child’s self-esteem effectively?

Here are some tips to boost your child’s self-esteem:
Praise their accomplishments and good behavior.
Do not ever compare your child with others.
Encourage them to try out new things.
Be there for your child when they fail or feel uncomfortable.
Express love and pride quite often.
Lead by example.
Use positive reinforcements.
Do not use negative language or harsh tone.
Correct them on their mistakes.

What are some effective ways to discipline my child?

Set clear boundaries and let them know what you are expecting from them. Explain to them what is right and wrong. Review their actions timely. Be a role model for them to learn and inculcate positive habits and behaviors. Do not give harsh punishments; instead, give them mild warnings. Most importantly, be consistent with your approach.

How much time should I spend with my children daily?

Well, this varies and there is no ideal time specified. But ensure you make out time for them every day. Be there for them on their important events like cultural festivals, sports days, and parent-teacher meetings. Take regular breaks and plan weekends, vacation or fun activities for rejuvenation. 

Why is it important to be a good role model as a parent?

It is important for parents to act as good role models because children learn a lot by observing their parents. They try to copy actions and imitate them. This molds their behavior and helps them become well-rounded individuals.

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